Sunday, August 10, 2014

Ice-cream Waffles

Whenever I'm craving for Ice-cream waffle, i will always think of my waffle maker. I enjoy the process of making a waffle although it is time consuming but the outcome will always makes me satisfied. No matter how tired am I, i will always take out my maker and start to prepare the ingredients. Haha, this is called "PASSION" :D

Nowadays, most of the bakery shop increase the price of the waffle. The smell always attract me but I will always think of the price. I will be able to save a lot if i make it on my own. Just like today, I'm craving for Ice-cream, waffle, strawberry and nutella so i will think of combine everything into one pastry. Tata... here goes my Ice-cream waffle topped with Strawberries and nutella. What a good combination! Simple luv it ^-^

Let me introduce you my homemade waffle!

The Ice-cream is a lemon mint, a very refreshing ice-cream which is good to eat with this fluffy waffle. I just topped with strawberries and nutella that makes me fall in luv with this waffle.

This is my 3rd attempt on waffle and finally achieve the fluffy texture but it is still very thin. I'm unable to pour more than 2 scoop as the internal of the maker seem like not that deep. I seen the same maker via online but they are able to come out with a thick waffle. Wonder what's goes wrong with my maker. Hm.... O_o

Anyway, we would like to share this fluffy texture here;


Cake Flour - 90g
Caster Sugar - 2 Tbsp
Eggs - 2 (separate yolk and white)
Milk - 250ml
Corn Starch - 30g
Baking Powder - 1 and a half Tbsp
Salt - 1/2 Tsp (I put half of 1/2)
Butter - 60g (Melted)
Vanilla Extract - 1/2 Tsp (I put half of 1/2)

PROCEDURES (There will be no step-by-step yet);

1. Sift Cake Flour, Corn Starch, Salt and Baking Powder, set aside

2. Combine Melted Butter (Cooled), Egg Yolks, Vanilla Extract and Milk. Mix well by hand whisk

3. Using an electric mixer, whisk the egg white and sugar till stiff peaks

4. Add the Butter mixture (2) into the Dry mixture (1), mix to combine well

5. Fold in the Egg Whites (3) and mix well (Do not over mix)

6. Lightly grease the waffle maker and preheat for about 2mins

7. Pour in the batter and look out for you waffles, adjust the temperature accordingly

- Honey and butter
- Fruits and maple syrup
- Ice-cream with fruits and nutella
- Dust some icing powder
- Any other topping that you can think of it.

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